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Save your Seeds!

Hello Friends!

I have received a couple of emails recently regarding seed storage and longevity.

There are several reasons why we can’t/don’t plant our seeds as soon as we have harvested or bought them. Seasons probably being the biggest reason or in my case, time…..

Although some flower seeds don’t store too well, the majority as long as they are stored correctly they can live for many years enabling us to continue planting our favourites long into the future.

  • Place your seeds in an airtight envelope, I use zip lock bags. Then put into an airtight container.
  • Add a desiccant (little silica gel bag) to assist in removing moisture.
  • Store in a refrigerator at approximately 5C.

When you are ready to use your stored seeds it is a good idea to bring them to room temperature before planting.

The Team @ Flowering Seeds

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