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Flowering Seeds

Buy Flower Garden Seeds Online Australia


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Common Name: Rudbeckia hirta Maya, Gloriosa Daisy Maya, Black Eyed Susan Maya
Scientific Name: Rudbeckia hirta
Physical Attributes: Large, showy and lush yellow double-flowers sit atop strong stems. The golden yellow petals melt into green and surround a warm burgundy brown center.
Uses: Cut flowers, dried arrangements, accent borders.
Life Cycle: Annual
Growing Height: 30 -60cm
Attracts: Birds, butterflies and beneficial pollinating insects
When to Sow: Raise seedlings in Spring and transplant outside in mid/late Summer – Autumn.
Sowing Depth: Surface depth
Sow Spacing: 15 -45cm
Sowing Method: Sow on the surface of moist seed raising potting mix, pressing seed into mix but not covering .Harden off when 2 sets of leaves appear before transplanting to the garden.
Position: Full sun
Germination Time: 7 -10 days
Maintenance: Deadhead spent flowers to prolong blooms, otherwise a very hardy annual.
Seeds Per Packet: 20

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